Horse & Rider Assessments are an essential way to optimise the performance of both horse and rider. The horse's movement directly affects it's rider's movement and vice versa. Poor positioning or symmetry of a rider can affect their ability to apply aids appropriately, create further asymmetry in the horse, overuse certain joints and muscles of both horse and rider, limit the horse's ability to move and ultimately create soreness to horse and/or rider. Therefore an assessment of the whole horse/rider unit by a Physiotherapist with a trained eye for correct movement is beneficial for both improving and preventing soreness and injury to both the horse and rider.

As experts in Human physiotherapy prior to completing a veterinary physio degree, equine physios are the perfect people to manage the horse & rider unit to assist in gaining optimal function, performance, comfort and longevity for both horse & rider.

Horse & rider assessments can be performed at your horse's home or an alternative venue and involve static and ridden assessments of the horse & rider individually and as a working unit with the rider in the saddle. The physio can then manage both the horse's asymmetries as well as the riders and prescribe tailored exercise programs, taping, soft tissue work and other manual therapies to assist in maximising riding pleasure and performance.

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